Glaucoma in dogs: natural home remedies
“Eyes are the reflection of the soul”.
I don’t know about you, but when I look deep into my dog’s eyes, I see him thinking, analyzing and understanding what I’m telling him.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that dogs can suffer from. It results from an increase in intraocular pressure and is a very painful condition, which can lead to complications such as loss of sight.
Does this disease remind you of something? This is likely because humans can get glaucoma too. That said, glaucoma in animals is generally more painful, as the pressure in the eye tends to rise to higher levels than in humans!
Does your dog have glaucoma and are you worried about seeing them in pain, about seeing their quality of life deteriorate? In this article, we present natural solutions, a gentle holistic approach to help you support your pet and offer them a better quality of life.