Dug Up at Dogster: July 2019 Dog Events

The post Dug Up at Dogster: July 2019 Dog Events by Melissa Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.

Do you know what else is hot, hot, hot, besides the weather? These dog-friendly July 2019 dog events. Don’t see a dog-friendly event on here that you know about? Just send an email about the event with a photo to dogstermag@belvoir.com.

July 4, 2019 — July 7, 2019: The United States Dog Agility Association All-Around Dog Agility Championships

One of the nation’s most exciting canine sports is heading to Ohio. The USDAA All-Around Dog Agility Championships will run at the Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field in Moreland Hills July 4-7, in conjunction with the annual Chagrin Hunter Jumper Classic, which runs July 4-14. More than 200 dogs and humans will compete at this year’s event, where they race against the clock while striving to achieve perfect performance on a course.This is a come one, come all, open eligibility event, from beginners to some of the sport’s most proficient dogs and handlers, vying for the coveted qualifications that help them advance and be crowned All-Around Dog Agility Champions. Competitors must be registered with USDAA and may enter their dogs at their current level or higher level of competition at their option. For entry details visit usdaa.com.

July 16, 2019: Bark of Night Book Premieres

David Rosenfelt's 19th book in the Andy Carpenter mystery series called Bark of Night premieres today.

David Rosenfelt’s 19th book in the Andy Carpenter mystery series called Bark of Night premieres today.

Look no further for a wagalicious summer read. When a stranger drops off healthy French Bulldog Truman at the vet with instructions to be euthanized, lawyer Andy Carpenter and his vet are furious, especially when the dog’s microchip shows Truman belongs to someone else — who’s been murdered. Andy and his loyal sidekick, Golden Retriever Tara, jump four paws in to taking the case. This is No. 19 in the popular Andy Carpenter mystery series, published by Minotaur Books. $27.99

July 17, 2019 — July 19, 2019: The 2019 Pet Loss Professionals Alliance College

The International Cemetery, Crematory, & Funeral Association (ICCFA) is holding its 2019 Pet Loss Professionals Alliance College in Memphis, TN, at the Holiday Inn University of Memphis. Sessions and educational seminars will hit upon the daily issues and opportunities faced by pet loss organizations. Attendees are sure to walk away with information and ideas ready for immediate implementation into their enterprise’s strategies. The Pet Loss Professionals Alliance is committed to be an educational resource to its members, which includes pet loss suppliers and pet death care facility operators,  and is dedicated to the respectful and dignified treatment of those pets entrusted to their care. For more information and to register, visit MyPLPA.org.

July 17, 2019 — July 21, 2019: Houston World Series of Dog Shows

Don't miss out on the Houston World Series of Dogs Shows taking place in Houston, Texas' NRG Center.

Don’t miss out on the Houston World Series of Dogs Shows taking place in Houston, Texas’ NRG Center. Photo Courtesy Houston World Series of Dog Shows

See dogs sit, stay, run, jump, catch and dance at America’s premiere canine extravaganza celebrating 42 years. Taking place in Houston, Texas’ NRG Center, it’s several separate shows held consecutive days with more than 12,000 entries and 40,000 visitors and participants. Check out 30 independent breed specialty competitions and Meet the Breeds, where you can get hands-on experience with more than 110 breeds. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday culminate with a “Best of Show” winner (which may or may not be the same dog). Other activities include: breed rescues, flyball, retail shopping, dog grooming contests, canine musical freestyle, frisbee exhibition, barn hunt and more. Info at houstondogshows.com.

July 25, 2019 — July 27, 2019: Best Friends National Conference

:earn, share and connect with like-minded animals lovers at the Best Friends Animal Society's National Conference. Photo courtesy of BFAS

Learn, share and connect with like-minded animals lovers at the Best Friends Animal Society’s National Conference. Photo courtesy of BFAS

Come on down to the Dallas, Texas, Hilton Anatole where the nonprofit organization Best Friends Animal Society is “Going Big to Save Them All.” Learn, share and connect with like-minded animal lovers from around the country with workshops and speakers on nearly every aspect of the no-kill movement. Join more than a thousand fellow animal lovers, united by a passion for saving the lives of homeless pets and getting the country to no-kill by 2025. Conference updates and registration at bestfriends.org/conference.

Thumbnail: © Melissa L Kauffman

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The post Dug Up at Dogster: July 2019 Dog Events by Melissa Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.